Program Curricula

Foundation in Science Certification

1 Year Program
60 BDQG Total Credit Hours

First Semester Second Semester
College Academic Skills in English

Health Informatics

Biochemistry Cultures, Society, Ideas & Innovation
Speech Communication Microbiology & Parasitology
Introduction to Public Health Science, Technology and Society
Mathematics in the Modern World Scholarly Inquiry
Purposive Communication Introduction to Psychology 
Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology Applied Ethics in Contemporary Times
Wellness and Recreation Program 1 Wellness and Recreation Program 2

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

3 Year Program
138 BDQF Total Credit Hours

Year 1

First SemesterSecond SemesterMidyear Semester
Clinical Anatomy & Physiology

Fundamental of Nursing Practice

NCM 106 – Pharmacology

Theoretical Foundation in NursingCommunity Health Nursing 1: Individual & Family as ClientNCM 110 – Nursing Informatics 
Health AssessmentHealth Care Ethics (Bioethics) 
Health EducationCare of the Mother and Child, Adolescent (Well Client)
Nutrition and Diet Therapy Melayu Islam Beraja 
Wellness & Recreation Program 3Wellness and Recreation Program 4 

Year 2

First SemesterSecond SemesterMidyear Semester
Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problem (Acute and Chronic)

Nursing Research 2

Care of Older Person 

Nursing Research 1Care of Clients with Problems in Nutrition and GI Metabolism and Endocrine, Perception and Coordination (Acute and Chronic)Disaster Nursing
Care of Clients with Problems in Oxygenation, Fluid & Electrolyte, Infectious, Inflammatory and Immunologic Response, Cellular Aberration (Acute and Chronic)Care of Mother and Child at-risk or with Problem (Acute and Chronic)Decent Work Employment and Transcultural Nursing

Year 3

First SemesterSecond Semester
Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behaviors (Acute and Chronic)

Nursing Leadership and Management

Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions /Acutely Ill/ Multi-Organ Problems / High Acuity and Emergency Situations (Acute and Chronic) Intensive Nursing Practicum (Hospital and Community Settings) 
Wellness and Recreation Program 7Wellness and Recreation Program 8