What Our Students Say
What Our Students Say
Our students are strong and valued ambassadors of the College. Discover their stories and learn about their experiences through their personal testimonials.

Kamaliah binti Zaini
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
JCHS has significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth. The rigorous academic program has honed my critical thinking and problem-solving skills, while the collaborative …

Dk Nur Amalina binti Pg Hj Yussof
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
JCHS has helped me grow professionally especially in terms of being a nurse by providing hands-on training in school before bringing us out for our attachment at RIPAS, it has given me and …

Nurul Adibah Othman
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
JCHS has provided me with numerous opportunities to develop, especially during our clinical rotations. These experiences have equipped me with valuable skills and …

Nusrah Aliyah Nabillah Binti Abdur Rahman
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
JCHS helped me improve my confidence in leading and become a considerate member of society.

Wong Jie Shin
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
JCHS emphasizes teamwork and hones our ability to work with different people as well as writing good essays.

Aayun Budhathoki
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
JCHS made me more extroverted and definitely helped me in stepping out of my comfort zone. It made me learn to be responsible and taught me …

Muhammad Qhairunizar Akmal bin Muhammad Qhussairy Aiman
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Personally, I have learned how to manage my time wisely since I used to do my work at the last minute. Professionally, I have been taught to be …

Dayangku Hani Azimah binti Pengiran Haji Mohd Yussof
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
I believe that I have grown to be a more composed, and more open-minded and managed to polish up my leadership skills during my time in JCHS. When I was the President of …

Maziyyah Jalil
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
At JCHS, there were many challenges and experiences that focused on critical thinking and hands-on skills. For instance, during presentations, we were …

Nurzawanah binti Mazlan
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Personally, JCHS has helped me grow my self-confidence around people and taught me how to manage myself better. Frankly, I am a very cluttered person, but adjusting to …

Nurul Raihah Syazana Syukriah @ Diana binti Abdul Rahim
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Throughout my learning experience in JCHS, they taught me how to use critical thinking in solving problems and somehow it helped me to think out of the box, be wise, and grow professionally.

Nurin Natasha Khairina Binti Haji Hassan
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
JCHS gave us students plenty of presentation assignments. I find this a great thing because it helped me to be more confident in my speaking abilities. Gone were the days …

Dk Alesha Syafiqah Binti Pg Sabri

Muhammad Faiq Firas Bin Razani

Mohamad Sukrie Menamparan Alim
How to apply
Step 1
Register online through this link:
Step 2
Wait for the initial results of admissions application.
Step 3
Settle the registration fee of BND 115.00 and acceptance fee of BND 115.00. Send the proof of payment to jchs.admissions@jchs.edu.bn
Step 4
Wait for the Acceptance letter, enrollment schedule and interview with the Academics Team.
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