Muhammad Qhairunizar Akmal bin Muhammad Qhussairy Aiman
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Personally, I have learned how to manage my time wisely since I used to do my work at the last minute. Professionally, I have been taught to be a dedicated future healthcare leader who can guide society toward a better future.
1. Tell us your full name and what program you are currently taking.
– My name is Muhammad Qhairunizar Akmal bin Muhammad Qhussairy Aiman and I am currently taking Foundation in Science Certification program.
2. How is it like studying at JCHS?
– It’s a new environment for me especially since I am combined science student and have never stepped my foot in pure sciences so it’s exciting to learn new things.
3. What’s your favourite spot on campus and why?
– My favourite spot on campus would probably be the lounge area, where my friends and I talk about our days every day while having lunch together, and the discussion room in the library, which is a peaceful place to complete my assignments.
4. Although quite recently, what are the things you like about JCHS?
– I like the rooms on level 3, which are the Anatomy and Physiology laboratory, and level 4, which houses the Microbiology and Parasitology laboratory.
5. Can you share a memorable or funny moment you’ve had at JCHS?
– It is when my section bought Margherita and celebrate our 1 month in JCHS and also during our first WRP (Wellness Recreation Program) we did Zumba where we were so excited that we fall sick for a week after that.
6. How do you balance your studies with social activities or hobbies?
– I just did both at the same time and hope for the best 🙏
7. Who has been your biggest inspiration or mentor at JCHS?
– It would be every lecturer who has taught me so far. It’s because they have their own expertise when it comes to their teaching field and I like it that way.
8. What do you do to relax and unwind after a long day of classes?
– For me, I would have a warm shower then wear my cosy outfit and then proceed to watch movies or drama series or like read manga/manhwa that is like my sort of time to relax while lying on the bed after a long and exhausting day at school.
9. How has JCHS helped you grow personally and professionally?
– Personally, I have learned how to manage my time wisely since I always do my work in the last minute. While professionally, they have taught me to be a future healthcare leader who is dedicated and be able to lead the society to a better future.
10. What do you hope to achieve at JCHS, and what are your goals and dreams?
– As of now I don’t have a specific hope or goals or dreams as it is still vague, but however I want to make my parents proud of their son who has achieved his dream to become part of the future healthcare leader.
11. Can you give tips and advice on how you maintain good grades in your studies?
– My tips are whenever my lecturer starts to give their lecture, I will take down notes because it is easy for me to remember and recall it whenever I am revising for exams or quizzes.
12. Would you recommend your family and friends to enroll in JCHS?
– I would highly recommend JCHS to individuals with strong physical and mental capabilities because it is unlike any other college (in a good way).
13. Do you have anything you wish to say to the next Future Healthcare Leaders?
– To the next Future Healthcare Leader, I welcome you to JCHS with open arms where all your goals and dreams can be achieved here.
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